Brussel sprouts are a popular vegetable that many people enjoy eating. But can dogs eat brussels sprouts?

It’s hard to find information on whether or not your dog can eat brussels sprouts. Unfortunately, there is plenty of conflicting information out there. Some sources say that it’s okay for dogs to eat brussels sprouts, while other sources say they should never be fed to dogs because they’re toxic and could cause illness and even death in our canine companions.

can dogs eat brussels sprouts
Source: Proud Dog Mom

Today we will help you decide if your dog can safely enjoy eating brussels sprouts by looking at the pros and cons of feeding them to your pup!

Are Brussels Sprouts Good For Dogs?

Yes! Brussels sprouts are suitable for your dogs. They are the kind of vegetable that shouldn’t be missed in your dog’s diet.

Brussels sprouts are nutrient-dense vegetables with several health advantages for both people and pets. They are high in fiber and include a variety of vitamins and minerals. For example, vitamin C and vitamin K are abundant in brussels sprouts.

These vitamins are known for assisting in developing strong and healthy bones and boosting the immune system. It is a fantastic vegetable to include in your dog’s diet. It’s an essential diet component for your puppies and elderly dogs due to its substantial nutritional value.

The Benefits of Feeding Your Dog Brussels Sprouts

Dogs who eat a reasonable amount of brussels sprouts reap several health advantages. Consumption of this cruciferous vegetable aids in the development of strong bones, heart protection, inflammation reduction, and improved blood circulation.

So, make sure to feed your canine buddy with a moderate amount of brussels sprouts to avoid provoking a lot of gas for your dogs.

The Downside to Giving Brussels Sprouts to Your Dog

Dogs are similar to humans in several aspects. For instance, if you don’t consume five pounds of pineapple, it’s OK to eat it. However, you’re in big danger if you don’t utilize them in moderation; even the most pleasing things may harm you. 

Brussels sprouts can cause gastrointestinal discomfort in some dogs. Furthermore, Brussels sprouts’ high dietary fiber content may have a laxative impact, causing vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration.

Brussels sprouts possess isothiocyanate, a chemical that aids in the digestion of food and waste in your dog’s digestive tract. This chemical, on the other hand, is notorious for generating gas.

Important Considerations to Take Before Giving a Canine Brussels Sprouts

  1. Before introducing Brussel sprouts to your dog’s diet, ensure you consult with your veterinarian first, especially if your dog has an allergy or dietary issues.
  1. Avoid giving too many brussels sprouts to your canine friend as it will lead to severe stomach upset and diarrhea.
  1. Be careful to remove the nubby, hard stem from the sprouts before cooking them. If your dog consumes the stalk by mistake, it might cause choking or become lodged in their gut or throat, posing a choking hazard.
  1. Avoid using salt, pepper, lemon juice, butter, or oil while cooking the sprouts since they irritate your dog’s stomach. The greatest thing to do with brussels sprouts is to keep them clean and natural.

How do I Give Brussel Sprouts to My Dog?

Brussels sprouts are one of the most straightforward veggies to incorporate into your dog’s diet. It can be served as a main dish or a side dish for your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Brussel Sprouts?

Most dog owners ask this question. The answer is YES! Brussels sprouts are safe for dogs to consume uncooked. You can guarantee that your dog will benefit from the majority of the nutritional components in raw Brussel sprouts if you give it to them uncooked.

However, the leaves and buds of uncooked brussels sprouts may carry hazardous germs. As a result, the best method to feed brussels sprouts to your canine companion is to prepare them beforehand.

When preparing Brussels sprouts for dogs, wash the veggies before cutting them into bite-sized pieces thoroughly. But can dogs eat brussels sprouts with stalks? This is another question that most people frequently ask.

Always remove the stalks from the Brussel sprout as it might choke your pup.  

Apart from eating raw Brussels sprouts, can dogs eat cooked Brussels sprouts? Yes, there are various ways to prepare brussels sprouts for human consumption when it comes to actual cooking. 

The veggies can be cooked in various ways, including boiling, steaming, grilling, stir-frying, slow-cooking, or roasting.

When you provide fried or roasted brussels sprouts to your dog, you risk exposing it to hazardous fat levels. Most essential, don’t add any salt or spices like pepper, onions, or garlic to your dog’s brussels sprouts when you microwave, boil, or steam them.

The nutritional and antioxidant qualities of brussels sprouts are best preserved by steaming them. The sprouts are also simpler to digest for your four-legged pals.

When the veggie is done, you can offer it to your dog as a stand-alone meal or mix it in with their usual diet.

The Right Amount of Brussels Sprouts to Give Your Dog

You should serve brussels sprouts in moderation; three at a time should be enough, depending on how large or tiny they are – and how big or small your dog is! You can serve them raw or boil. Boiling them reduces unpleasant side effects such as flatulence.

Before increasing the portion size, start with a little quantity and watch how your dog reacts.

Tips for Preparing and Cooking Brussels Sprouts For Canines

  1. Whenever offering Brussel sprouts to your dog, make sure they are cooked in the safest way possible. This implies that you should properly clean the sprouts before cooking them. 
  1. Anything hazardous, such as excrement, insecticides, and herbicides, will be washed away. But, of course, you may always go a step further and get organic brussels sprouts.
  1. The easiest way to cook sprouts for your dog is to steam them after they have been thoroughly washed and trimmed. Yes, this is the stinkiest way to prepare them, but it allows you to boil them without using butter or oil, and the sprouts can become extremely soft for your dog. 
  1. You can either microwave them with some water or boil them until they are cooked in a saucepan of unsalted water if you want.

Nutritional Facts About Brussels Sprouts

We all know brussels sprouts are excellent for us, but let’s look at how helpful they are in greater detail.

Rich in Vitamins: B1, B6, K, A, C and E

This cruciferous vegetable is high in vital vitamins that can help your dog’s bones stay healthy and active. We’ll go through each of the vitamins found in this veggie.

Vitamin B1 or thiamine

It contains a tiny quantity that aids the dog’s body digest carbohydrates to create energy. In addition, B1 stimulates ion channels in neural tissues and metabolizes lipids and proteins.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine

This is another critical vitamin that aids in improving your dog’s mood, promote healthy brain function, produces red blood cells, and maintains a potassium-sodium balance in the body. Cushing’s disease is common in several dog breeds. This vitamin protects your dog from becoming sick.

Vitamin K

Brussels sprouts are high in Vitamin K, which helps your dog’s bones stay healthy. In addition, the action of blood coagulation is also aided by vitamin K.

Vitamin A

It’s in charge of keeping your dog’s muscles, eyesight, cells, lungs, and heart in good working condition. Vitamin A is also beneficial to the immune system and the neurological system. Finally, this vitamin enhances the skin and coat of your dog.

Vitamin C

It aids in the reduction of inflammation and the aging of the brain. This vitamin also protects cells from damage by neutralizing damaging free radicals in the body of your dog.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that is very beneficial to our canine companions. It aids in the battle against free radical damage and cell protection.  

High in Antioxidants

Free radicals, cancer, and illness can all be prevented by eating antioxidant-rich sprouts. These antioxidants also help your dog stay healthy by lessening the adverse effects of chronic inflammation.


Contains Vital minerals: Potassium and Manganese

Brussel sprouts are high in two minerals that are essential for a dog’s health. Minerals support various biological processes, including the skin, bones, heart, and muscles of your dog. 

Potassium is required in massive quantities for a dog’s body to operate correctly and maintain a good fluid balance. In addition, potassium maintains a healthy pressure equilibrium with salt and generates energy at the cellular level. It’s also an element that assists your dog’s heart, neurological system, and cognitive and enzyme function.

Manganese is a mineral that helps in the digestion of protein, carbs, and amino acids. It aids in the maintenance of healthy bones and cartilage in joints, as well as the production of energy in your dog’s body.

Rich in Insoluble fiber

Brussels sprouts are high in fiber, which helps to keep the digestive system healthy and regular. Insoluble dietary fiber is beneficial to all dogs. A modest quantity of fiber regulates their digestive processes.

Insoluble fiber draws water into your dog’s feces, making it softer and easier to pass and putting less pressure on his bowels. As a result, insoluble fiber helps excretion and promotes colon and gut health keeping them in check.

Guidelines on Feeding Your Dog Brussel Sprouts

Is Feeding Your Dog Too Many Brussel Sprouts Dangerous?

Overall, this vegetable is safe for your dog because it contains no poisons or toxins. However, if your dog consumes too many brussels sprouts, it may get severe diarrhea.

Keep in mind that even a tiny amount of brussels sprouts might cause gastrointestinal discomfort in your dog. Make sure to consult your veterinarian if your dog has severe diarrhea.

Brussels sprouts are safe to eat by dogs! This tiny cabbage is high in nutrients, which are helpful to your dog in the same way they are to people. Just don’t give them to your pet dog in excess; otherwise, they could get diarrhea!